The Client
Princeton Club’s commitment to excellence combined with a desire to constantly offer its members the best the fitness industry has to offer has resulted in their facilities becoming the largest, most well respected health clubs in Madison and Milwaukee.
what we did
The client sought a new website to showcase their luxurious amenities and many service offerings in a way that was more user friendly. We designed the site with a clean, high-end feel, and reorganized their content to make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Princeton Club receives many visitors to their website, and the way their existing website was structured made it difficult for users to navigate. They also had a heavy amount of content that had little hierarchy, making it difficult to find what you’re looking for.
We cut down on the amount of pages by combining information and eliminating repetitive copy. The tennis and swimming lessons pages were able to be condensed by moving the different schedules into tabs. We solved the hierarchy issue with more section breaks and the inclusion of more titles to guide the user’s eyes throughout each page.