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The Client

ABC of Wisconsin is a multi-trade association made up of 900 member companies who believe in rewarding their workers based on merit, talent, and performance. ABC members provide individuals with access to the trades without having to work through a union. ABC member companies are proud of their craft professionals who consistently excel in their trades.

what we did

Educating young people on the steps needed to get into the trades was the primary focus of this website. We displayed information in a clear and concise way so that those looking to get into the trades could easily identify which apprenticeship program was right for them.

Build Your career home page
Build Your Career blueprint page

Apprenticeship is a somewhat complex subject due to the variety of apprenticeship programs.  The most desired element was more clarity and better organization of the contact form.  There are thousands of submissions each and data collection, and integration with an automated drip campaign was a part of the development process. 


Styling the site like an educational organization helped bridge the gap between the service offering and student focus. An extensive drop-campaign was integrated with the forms and automation was put in place to allow for more efficient applicant management. 

why get an apprenticeship from Build Your Career
Build Your Career statistics graphic

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